Health and Nutrition Workshop

Last Friday was our first health and nutrition workshop conducted by Touro University intern, Lilly Dao, and Christian Help Center residents, Kerry and John. The workshop included talks on how to read a food label, the different food groups, and key health tips, such as eating lean meat, good fats, and avoiding trans or saturated fats.

Touro intern, Laura Marshall, cutting up the freshly harvested cabbage from the garden. The red and green cabbages were the key ingredients used for the coleslaw we had after the workshop.

Some of the nutritional values of cabbage:

The Vitamin A in cabbage protects your skin and eyes, while the outer leaves of the cabbage are a great source of vitamin E, which is good for the complexion.
Cabbage is also a good source of potassium, which purifies the body and skin.

The Vitamin B in cabbage boosts your energy metabolism and helps your concentration.

Raw cabbage supplies as much vitamin C as lemon juice. Its vitamin C helps the mitochondriae (small power stations in your cells) to burn fat.



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