Change in Season

We've had a lot of activity at the garden recently. Kids from Mare Island K-8 Health and Fitness Academy have come by the garden, chaperoned by students from Touro University's TUne-Up program, to plant vegetable seeds, harvest and taste the many vegetables growing at the garden.
If you're wondering what seeds to start now, here are some suggestions: green beans, carrots, radishes, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, nasturtiums, sunflowers...just to name a few. For starts, you can plant onions, potatoes, and herbs. Give your garden beds a boost by adding compost, aged horse manure or any other organic matter in preparation for new plants.
Here's Gabriel watching his mom Sandra add aged horse manure to one of the beds.

Edward harvesting collard greens to take back to residents of the Bay View Vista Apartments.

Last week, Greg, Jessy and John planted several heirloom apple trees, including one called White Pearmain that dates back to 1200AD. White Pearmain is the oldest known English apple. The fruit is medium in size, uniform in shape, and possesses light green skin, usually flushed red on one side. The mildly sweet and pleasantly aromatic flesh is firm, fine-grained and crisp; an excellent dessert apple. A vigorous, self-fertile variety that also serves as a great pollinizer for other apple trees. White Pearmain is a vigorous tree well adapted to coastal districts out west--perfect for where we're located.


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